Principal's Message
Dr. Mamta Sharma joined this institution as a founder principal in 2015. She is Ph.D,Net,M.B.A,M.A.,BED. She has published several papers in International Journals. She presented many papers in National /DGHE sponsored seminars. She is really a champion and has credit to win 13 medals in different sports activity.
Her Message
""To dream, to think and to achieve" guided by this motive, Gurjar Kanya Gurukul Mahavidyalya is striding to pace ahead and touch the culmination of development. Academic excellence will always be the loadstar of every effort to provide the students the best available pedagogical help. This will certainly aid students to procure the best career options which are also one of our priority considerations
In Gurjar Kanya Gurukul Mahavidyalya, Devdhar, we enterprise to map academic excellence with a good human value system, which in myriad ways is ingrained in the culture of the school. To achieve this, we strongly feel that a paradigm shift in the minds of all stake holders should take place so that when the college becomes the hub to initiate and formalise education it has its tenets enshrined in a good value system; the extension of which is thereby taken home where it is further strengthened. And our commitment to such education will always persist in all our endeavours."