Founder's Message
Gurjar Kanya Gurukul Mahavidyalya-unfolds the answer to the true educational philosophy, the value system that will personify your child with respect, dedication, discipline, integrity and moral values along with spiritual education.
Today, with sophisticated and technology aided education, a child will learn things at a great speed/understanding while, in absence of our moral values a, she is also learning things that will destroy the core of humanity, respect, discipline, integrity and such. To meet these needs, Gurjar Kanya Gurukul Mahavidyalya is proud to inculcate Sadvidya into your child.
More over the development and prosperity of any society or nation depends on its culture. The strongest and fittest the culture, highest is the fulfillment and achievement. To preserve & propagate the amazing Indian culture in society, a number of cultural and traditional activities are organised by Gurjar Kanya Gurukul Mahavidyalya.